how to get over the fear of driving

If you have a fear of driving, you’re not alone. Even though the fear of driving doesn’t have a specific name, many people admit to lacking confidence when they get behind the steering wheel, perhaps because of a traumatic incident in the past or simply because they lack experience of certain driving conditions. You can get over the fear of driving if you follow these simple steps next time you get in the car.


Before you turn on the ignition, take a few minutes to breathe deeply and get yourself relaxed and comfortable in your driving position. Some people find it helps if you repeat a positive mantra like “I love to drive, I love to drive” or “I am a confident driver, I am a confident driver” before you turn the key in the ignition.

get over the fear of driving

2.Use the Power of Music

Music is a well-known mood enhancer, so put together a driving playlist of your favourite songs. Simply putting the playlist together will start to enhance positive feelings by associating the music you love with the act of driving. And when you’re on the open road, there’s nothing more relaxing than listening to a good tune.

get rid of fear of driving

3.Take Someone with You

There’s nothing like having an experienced driver in the seat alongside you to give you confidence. Sometimes our fears of driving are simply fears of driving alone, so that trusted person will be there for you until you feel confident enough to tackle the road on your own.

get rid of fear of driving test

4.Take it Easy

Tackle your fear in easy steps. Start with a drive around the block, before graduating to longer drives on familiar roads. Build up gradually to driving on motorways by using quieter dual carriageways first.

5.Take a Driving Course

The AA runs a series of two-hour courses for drivers who need help with confidence and driving on motorways. In some cases, these courses are free.

At Apex Driving School we’ll do everything to help you become a confident and careful driver and pass that test the first time – no matter how stressed you are about it! Just contact us on 020 8647 0486 and we’ll soon have you on the road.